Relationship vs. Research – Part 3
The modern mind insists on a God less than infinite. What is over and above comprehension is suspect. While his transcendence should leave us in awe and worship, we rather choose offense and rational objection. When we ought to be relieved there is something bigger than us, we choose to relieve the divine of majesty, and what is not subject to our rationality is labeled irrational.
But in this information age with instant access everything; Wi-Fi, Twitter, Facebook, etc., we get the down load if you will, without personal soulful investment. Facebook requires no face to face. We seem more connected, but we do this all without the risk of intimacy. I can edit my online profile and reveal what I will about myself while selectively withholding the rest. This is convenient but not intimate. This is the same kind of relationship we want with God, but God is having none of it. He is in your face more than into Facebook. He will read your private mail. He wants to get at what doesn’t make your profile. He wants to talk about what doesn’t make your blog.
I can check my e-mail at my convenience, but genuine relationship with God has no such guarded convenience. There are unexpected encounters. He will show up unannounced. He’ll barge in. He’ll stop by without an appointment. He will stop by when you are busy and do so with intent. He presumes upon our schedules with untimely interruptions. Real relationship interrupts your routine.
Authentic relationship is not without affected emotions, and these emotions are not always compatible with cold rational, objective distance, or disinterested detachment. Disaffected rational may serve the laboratory, but will not do much for a love story. There is a certain un-manipulated dialectical dynamic, innate to genuine organic relationship. We would impose a certain amount of anticipated order. But can genuine relationship be efficiently managed? It seems closer to corralling a bunch of monkeys. Real relationship requires some relinquishing of personal control. The relationship takes on a life of its own. But with this release of control often comes a sense freedom that can be refreshing.
God will get into your business. He will concern himself with seeming trifles, like the words you use, attitudes you possess, the hidden thoughts and feelings we choose not to publish. He will get at your thought life. “It’s nobody’s business”, you say. But he makes it his business.
Who is this God who thinks he owns it all? Who is this God who insists on being so personal? Rather than contenting himself with MySpace, he gets into my space. He gets a little too close for comfort and seems presumptuous about it all. Who is this God who created all that is and why does he care to have such intimacy with you and me?